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BMichavery Presents: Dallas Ambition™ Interview W/ Brenda Austin, Founder and MasterMind behind

Brenda Austin

Now and Zen Bodyworks

Let me start by saying this, as women entrepreneurs (some of which who juggle corporate careers) we find it extremely hard to balance self-care and our brand building. Children, relationships, desires and so much more, often take priority while we slowly deteriorate internally, I am no different, but the beauty in it all is I found this jewel, unknowingly. This is way before I got into Yoga or anything meditation wise, I was forced to slow down. Listen! No matter what you do in life the most important thing you can EVER do is take care of your health and body! So often we are so busy chasing dreams, raising kids, being wives, girlfriends, husbands, and whatever other title you hold, we fail to realize that our bodies react to stress in different ways. I believe it was 2014/2015, I called my doctor to set up an appointment for next week because I’d been having pressure in my chest that spread to my shoulder and even made me feel numb in my left finger. She told me to immediately go get checked not to wait because anything with your chest is IMPORTANT. So I did. The doctor said I’m surprised you aren’t screaming in agony from all this pressure. Stress had literally caused my muscle in my neck to become swollen and affect the muscles that are connected from my neck to my back and chest causing them to hit a nerve connected to my arm, which caused the numbness. ( WAIT WHAT IN THE WORLD! ) All stress related, she gave me options and suggested I get a massage and I called Brenda, I figured she was good BUT I had no idea her spirit and tentativeness would be so soothing to my soul!

Its one thing to get a random massage, but to have someone who is really in tune with your energy and has the ability to calm you, and relax you without making you feel uneasy or uncomfortable is truly a gift. Through her brand she educates you on preventive methods and even gives you options to sustain the results from the massage you receive, which alone sets her aside, because let’s be honest, it’s very rare that people will go out of their way to share beyond what your dollars are purchasing. She really cares about her clients and makes sure she does everything in her power to express that.

I had the honor of actually getting to know her in-depth and trust me, there was so much more to the woman behind the brand, that I felt it was beyond necessary to share with all of you, just who she is and the reason behind her mission. A woman who has worked with everyone from celebrities to everyday hard working individuals from all different backgrounds, was so passionate about what she does and genuinely loves it! I wanted to know the why, when , who , where and what behind her purpose. What made her decide on this profession and why had she not given up? Where was she from and what made her relocate with no family to Texas?….I got all of my questions answered and much more! We talked spirituality, we talked business plans, we talked the importance of women support and balance as well!

Read below and be sure to follow her @nowandzenbodyworks in instagram or at to set up an appointment or attend one of her many events throughout the city, believe me when I tell you, you will NOT be disappointed. She specializes in a plethora of massage options that will fit into any budget!

  • BMichavery- The Dallas Hope Dealer- How did you begin your journey as a massage therapist in Dallas? How long have you been in business?

Brenda Founder of Now &Zen Bodyworks–

My massage therapy career began 2 years prior to my move to Dallas, Texas. In a small town Jefferson City, Missouri where I attend college and ran track for 2 years started me on a journey of Health and Wellness. This desire later was directed to my passion which was massage therapy I was fortunate to work for a few massage therapy companies (Massage Envy, Equinox, Stonebriar Spa, and Well-Adjusted Chiropractic). After honing my skills in seeing how professional businesses are ran I decided to start Now And Zen Bodyworks my own business in April 2013.

  • BMichavery-The Dallas Hope Dealer – As a woman entrepreneur how important would you say learning about financial literacy and creating a business plan is starting out?

Brenda Founder of Now &Zen Bodyworks– It is very important for an entrepreneur, to have a decent level of knowledge to put together a strategy for a five to ten-year success plan with potential financial. Your input has to be much high than your output. Your financials have to be solid enough to keep your staff busy and your overhead low.

  • BMichavery-The Dallas Hope Dealer– What advice would you give an upcoming entrepreneur, wanting to build their business in Dallas?

Brenda Founder of Now & Zen Bodyworks-

The advice I would give an upcoming entrepreneur is believe in your brand. Believe in yourself. Have your executive summary in order that outlines your short-term analysis of your goals. Prepare a Business plan that is more to the point of your goals. Show officers of company, and their roles. Investors, short term and long, and projected financial based on cost of goods, and services. You have to be passionate about your business. You have to be yourself, and continue learning. Learn a skill that is going to be helpful to your business.

  • BMichavery- The Dallas Hope Dealer– Where does your constant passion come from to remain consistent in an ever-growing industry?

Brenda Founder of Now &Zen Bodyworks-

My constant passion comes from one word and that word is… WHY? There are so many why’s that keep me going. I ask myself why do I get up every day and do the things I do to continuously run Now and Zen Bodyworks. Why? Because, I’m passionate about helping others I’m passionate about teaching others that they can neutralize the pain and tension in their bodies. There are so many ways to be free of them. We live in a world that is filled with stress, violence, negativity but we also live in a world that is healthy, pain-free, loving and filled with positivity.

  • BMichavery-The Dallas Hope Dealer How difficult have you found it to be building authentic friendships/business relationships in this industry?

Brenda Founder of Now &Zen Bodyworks–

At first it was very difficult to build authentic friendships/business relationships in this industry. That was mostly due to the negative connotations that some others have created. I pride myself in having good morals, values, and integrity. These other traits that Now and Zen Bodyworks are based on. Fortunately, I’ve been blessed to build a nice clientele that respects those wishes.

  • BMichavery-The Dallas Hope Dealer In Society there has become such a natural instinct for people especially women to be pinned against each other oppose to evolving, growing and learning from each other no matter what industry they are in, how would you say this pressure has helped or hindered your growth as a female massage therapist?

Brenda Founder of Now &Zen Bodyworks–

Fortunately, I have been blessed that I haven’t encountered that with this industry or others. I have a good support team of women. I try to keep positive people around me.

  • BMichavery-The Dallas Hope Dealer– We are now in an age of Social Media, where little to nothing is kept private, how do you keep balance between your personal and public life?

Brenda Founder of Now &Zen Bodyworks–

Balance is a word that I struggle with from time to time. Character is a big part of social media. In this new era where social media is king my goal first and foremost is to use it explicitly with the purpose of marketing my business. Even at one point when I was using my personal site I learned very quickly that I could not do that, and I let me to suspend and recreate a social media site. I also understand that any commercials, public service announcement, or any other form of advertising a line with my business direction. I hope to be very careful with social media.

  • BMichavery-The Dallas Hope Dealer How important is being spiritually grounded, with you having to be so personable daily with many personalities?

Brenda Founder of Now &Zen Bodyworks–

It is very important to have Christ in my life which helps to prevent negative energy which could derail my Business focus. I’m adamant about maintain a comfortable but professional relationship with all of my clients.

  • BMichavery-The Dallas Hope Dealer– What do you believe your overall purpose and mission is in life? And how do you determine what success is to you?

Brenda Founder of Now &Zen Bodyworks–

I see my business purpose and mission is to provide excellent therapy for the mind body and soul. But in life I’m not yet identify what that is I’m still searching. I determine success not by how much money I make but I determine success by happiness.

  • BMichavery-The Dallas Hope Dealer– Where do you hope to see your business in the next year?

Brenda Founder of Now &Zen Bodyworks–

In the next year I hope to have a second location fully staffed with an office manager, 4 massage therapist, and in every corporate business around the DFW area providing relaxation in a stress free work environment.

  • BMichavery- The Dallas Hope Dealer– What is a motto you live by that has helped you evolve and transition?

Brenda Founder of Now &Zen Bodyworks–

The motto I live by that helps me is being around positive business minded people, because success breeds success. This is what helps me evolve and transition.

This is why it is so important for you to know who people are beyond the surface, everything is about energy, purpose and staying divinely connected, who knows who you will be connected to and what purpose they will serve! It was a pleasure meeting and getting to know Brenda even under such stressful circumstances, she is incredible! Contact her now! Tell Her BMichavery sent you !

Now and Zen Bodyworks

BMichavery-The Dallas Hope Dealer

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