What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

A specialized hand technique that consists of a very gentle hand rhythmic movements, administered by a highly trained therapist. Each stroke slightly moves the skin in the direction of the lymphatic flow to encourage the drainage of fluid and waste.
Indicated for lymphedema management, it can be also use for treatment of sports injuries, scar formation therapy, enhancement of skin quality, and listlessness
After Liposuction or a Tummy tuck you will need 2-3 massages a week to help flush the fluid to the lymph nodes. The immune system is the primary defense system that keeps us well by fighting off foreign pathogens that can be harmful to us. This service helps improve your health.
BENEFITS OF Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Reduce stress
Helps eliminate swelling by facilitating the movement of 'stuck' lymph back to the heart for circulation
Free clogged vessels
Relieves pain
Reduces muscle spasms
Promotes tissue regeneration
Helps fractures heal easily
Induce a state of deep relaxation in the body allowing even the walls of vessels and bowels to be relaxed
An effective treatment for localized post-traumatic edema after bruising, distortion, fracture, dislocation or surgical procedures
Improve overall health and well-being
improve sleep for those with chronic fatigue syndrome
Support the immune system of people with HIV/AIDS or lupus

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